Geometric Representation Thery Seminar

Organizers: Rui Xiong and Pengcheng Li.

The seminar participants are mainly young researchers from China working on geometric representation theory. Usually, the series of our seminar is mainly topic seminars mixed with several research talks.

Research Talks (2024 Fall)

Date Speaker Title
Oct 16 Rui Xiong Diagonal coinvariant
Oct 09 Parabolic KL basis over Grassmannians
Sep 25 Geometry of Chromatic Symmetric Functions [notes]
Sep 18 Yaolong Shen Quantum supersymmetric pairs
Sep 11Rui Xiong Puzzles and representation theory

The theme of this semester is affine flag varieties.


Research Talks (2024 Spring)

Date Speaker Title
Apr 17Rui Xiong Motivic Lefschetz theorem for twisted Milnor hypersurfaces
Apr 16 Elliptic curves and elliptic cohomology
Mar 20 Hodge diamonds of smooth hyperplane sections
Mar 13 Cohomology of quiver Grassmannians
Jan 31Quan Situ (affine) braid group action on \(\mathfrak{g}\)-modules
Jan 25
Jan 17
Dec 20Rui Xiong Introduction to stable envelopes
Jan 04
Jan 10

Topic Seminar (2023 Fall)

Date Speaker Title
Dec 06Pengcheng Li Introduction to rational Cherednik algebras
Nov 29Rui Xiong Haiman Theory
Oct 11Zhihang Yu Generalized Springer theory for graded Lie algebras
Nov 23Rui Xiong Introduction to Macdonald polynomials [notes]
Oct 25
Oct 18
Oct 11
Sep 27Pengcheng Li Introduction to rational Cherednik algebras
Sep 20
Sep 13

Our main theme is Cherednik algebras and Macdonald polynomials.

