Reading Group — Affine Weyl Groups 2024


This seminar will provide an elementary and combinatorial introduction to affine Weyl groups. These groups are a family of infinite groups that exhibit similar properties to finite Weyl groups. The infinite nature of affine Weyl groups adds a layer of complexity and interest to the theory.

Affine Weyl groups are connected to various research topics in combinatorics, algebraic geometry, and representation theory. Some examples include:

The goal of this seminar is to make papers in these areas more accessible to participants. Attendees should have a basic understanding of finite Weyl groups. We recommend the following references to help you prepare:

We will begin with a review of the finite theory in the first lecture. During the seminar, we will refer to the following notes and texts:

Date Title
Sep 7 Introduction
Sep 14 Review of finite theory [video]
Sep 21 Realization of affine Weyl groups [video]
Sep 28 Length formula [video]
Oct 5 Minimal representatives [video]
Oct 12 Extended affine Weyl groups
TBA Combinatorics in type A (I)
TBA Combinatorics in type A (II)
