Reading Group — Toric Varieties and its Applications 2022

Notes in all

This is the resource page for the reading group ``Toric Varieties and its Applications''. See Joint UOttawa/Carleton Algebra Seminar.


The final purpose is to understand the proof of Read's conjecture stating that the absolute value of coefficients of the chromatic polynomial of a graph is unimodal. Note that June Huh was awarded the Fields Medal in 2022 due to the mentioned work and more work in this direction. The proof is established in a series of papers with main ideas originally from algebraic geometry. The main geometric object is toric varieties, a sort of algebraic variety parametrized by combinatorial objects --- fans.


Date Title
Oct 14 L1 chromatic polynomials, affine toric varieties [video]
Oct 21 L2 limit, toric variety in general [video]
Nov 04 L3 divisors [video]
Nov 11 L4 line bundles [video]
Nov 25 L5 Chow ring [video]
Dec 08 L6 equivariant cohomology [video]
